Summer Ideas for Teens

It’s summertime and the living is supposed to be easy. But if you’re a teenager, it doesn’t hurt to incorporate some activities into the summer mix that will challenge you to stretch yourself a little and stave off boredom as well.

Here are just a few ideas for teenagers to occupy their summer time with:

Set some goals—Large or small, setting a few realistic goals is a good way to stay proactive and motivated about what you want to accomplish. Finish reading a book series by your favorite author, learn a new craft, help a family member realize a project by assisting them with it.

teenvolunteer1Volunteer—Look around your community for volunteer opportunities. Many organizations welcome a motivated teen’s energy and time. It will not only make you feel good, but the experience will also impress college admission counselors and potential employers.

Learn something new—Pushing yourself to learn something new will provide a sense of challenge and accomplishment. This can be especially beneficial as an outlet for stress if it involves something you are passionate about, like playing the guitar.

Try an internship—This is a great way to try on a potential career and get a foot in the door as far as employment goes. Much like volunteering, internship schedules are usually more flexible, so you should still have time to enjoy your summer.

Find time for fun—Do something that makes you happy and feel good. Find activities that delight you, allow you to relax and that keep your spirits high and hopeful.

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